Monday, January 14, 2008

A wise man once said...

...if you continue to do the same things, you continue to get the same results. What a great argument in favor of change! How are you doing with your strategies? Mine are working pretty well so far. The scale is down 4 pounds! And I am thrilled with every ounce. I managed to completely avoid the dreaded candy basket at work today, not to mention the cheesecake, brownies and other desserts offered at a work open house. I should lose weight just from the effort at calorie avoidance!

Isn't it annoying that even thinking about food seems to pack on the pounds? Too bad it doesn't work as well in reverse. But that is why we have to make changes. We have to think differently and act differently to get different results. Can you do it? I think you can! M.E.

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